HelloHome doctor service available for out of hours care, contactable on tel: 134 100
Cranbrook Medical closes for 30mins each day from 12.30pm – 1pm | We recommend getting out of the heat by waiting in your car until the doors open at 1pm
Cranbrook Medical is pleased to host a dedicated colposcopy service provided by specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Lucinda Pallis.
Why might one need a colposcopy?
Colposcopy may be needed to check the health of the cervix after an abnormal Cervical Screening Test (CST), bleeding after sex or an unusual appearance of the cervix. The aim is early detection of conditions which might progress to cervical cancer. Very few people who attend for colposcopy have any serious medical condition and only a small proportion need any further treatment but follow up is always important.
What is a colposcopy?
A colposcopy is an examination with a microscope to check the health of the cervix, vagina and/or vulva. For this procedure, you will be asked to lie on an examination bed. The doctor will insert a speculum into the vagina and put a small amount of liquid (usually vinegar +/- iodine solution) onto the cervix to highlight any abnormal areas. She will use a colposcope (like a pair of binoculars on a stand) to examine the cervix and vagina. The colposcope does not enter the body. A colposcopy examination takes 10-15 minutes. It is uncomfortable but should not be painful. You will be supported by a nurse throughout the procedure.
It is important to tell the doctor if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant. You can still have a colposcopy when you are pregnant, but the staff need to know.
If areas of the cervix appear abnormal during the colposcopy examination, a sample of tissue (a biopsy) may be taken. A biopsy does not need anaesthetic; some people don’t feel it at all, and others feel a pinch or mild period-like pain. The biopsy sample will be sent to a laboratory for testing.
Who will I see?
Dr Lucinda Pallis has provided specialist Obstetrics and Gynaecology care in Townsville since 2005 and has a special interest in cervical health, cancer prevention and colposcopy. She has a reputation for professionalism and good communication; she will help you understand your condition and participate in shared decision making about your care.
Referrals and Appointments
Your referral for colposcopy should be emailed to Cranbrook Medical by your GP. After your referral has been received, a Cranbrook Medical staff member will contact you to book an appointment.
We will then send you more detailed information about colposcopy and what to expect at your appointment.
You should continue to see your usual GP or referring doctor for ongoing care and follow up after your colposcopy. This is not a general gynaecology service.
Cranbrook Medical, 403 Ross River Road, Cranbrook QLD 4814 (corner of Ross River Road and Fitzroy Street)
This service operates weekly on a Wednesday morning
Fees are based on the Australian Medical Association Schedule of Fees and will be listed here.
A place where people want to come for family health.
Cranbrook Medical looks after individuals and families of all ages. As a multi-generational practice, we have offered full continuity of care since 1995.
403 Ross River Rd
Cranbrook QLD 4814
Get Directions
Monday - Friday 8am–5pm
Saturday 8am–12pm
Sunday Closed
(07) 4725 7677